
It was nearing Thanksgiving Day in 2022, and we were anxiously waiting for a call letting us know we would be able to rescue some baby turkeys from a horrible fate. It wasn’t long before we were able to take in three baby turkeys, all only months old and days away from being slaughtered to be someone’s Thanksgiving dinner.

Lesley, Drew, and Monisha shortly after rescue.

When they arrived at Woodstock, we were saddened to see that they had already been debeaked and de-toed—painful, permanent mutilations that are common practices in farming, most often done without anesthetic. Because they were exposed to so much at such a young age, our care staff swooped in to give them immediate and necessary medical treatment. Thankfully Lesley, Monisha, and Drew are now doing much better and are safe and happy in their own space, with their own pasture.

Drew enjoying her pasture.

Like all babies, these two just wanted comfort, warmth, and care. They deserved love and kindness, and we’re so thankful we were able to say yes and provide that for them.

Want to sponsor Drew? Click below! 

Want to learn about our other turkey residents? Click below!



