
In the heart of a sweltering summer, a remarkable piglet named Marge embarked on a journey of resilience and compassion, a journey that eventually led her to Woodstock Sanctuary.

Marge's story begins in September of 2023, when she made her daring escape from an industrial farm. As she found herself running through the woods during a blistering hot spell, with temperatures soaring into the upper 90s, it was evident that she was struggling. Her appearance wasn't the best, but her will to be free and her elusiveness made her challenging to catch. After a persistent effort, the rescuers finally succeeded in capturing her, using a net.

Marge upon arriving at Woodstock Sanctuary.

Marge meeting Sylvia for the first time.

However, Marge's story took a surprising twist when a farmer appeared, claiming her as his own. He identified her by a tattoo on her ear, and with intentions that didn't align with compassion, he saw her as future meat. This scenario, though disheartening, became the turning point in Marge's life.

The rescuers who had managed to catch Marge were no ordinary individuals. They were animal lovers with several goats and pot-bellied pigs, and their hearts couldn't bear the thought of letting her go down that path. They engaged in a heartfelt negotiation with the farmer, who eventually agreed to surrender her. Unbeknownst to him, Marge was destined for a different fate - one that would lead her to sanctuary.

Sylvia and Marge snuggling indoors.

In October, our team embarked on a remarkable journey, a nine-hour round trip to pick up Marge from Boiling Springs, PA. Their dedication was a testament to the lengths we go to ensure that animals like Marge find their way to Woodstock Sanctuary, where they will never be seen as commodities but as individuals deserving of love and respect. Together, we're making a difference and showing the world that every life, no matter how small, is worth saving.

Want to sponsor Marge? Click below! 

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