
In the fall of 2015, multiple sanctuaries rescued over 120 animals from a backyard butcher in Montgomery, New York. These poor animals were kept in horrendous conditions — crammed in barns with little food and living space. Woodstock Sanctuary took in five sheep, six pigs, and nine goats who were by far the sickest of all who we rescued. Most of the goats had pneumonia, lice, and worms. Sally was one of the goats rescued that day. 

Sally enjoying sunset in the goat pasture.

Sally enjoying sunset in the goat pasture.

Sally being silly in the barn.

Sally being silly in the barn.

Today Sally lives with her goat friends ChloeAtticusLunaPrince, and Louie. She’s a very happy, social girl who loves head scratches and sniffing your clothing. We’re so grateful we were able to save so many lives that day – including sweet Sally’s. 

Sally enjoying sanctuary in the goat barn.

Sally enjoying sanctuary in the goat barn.

Want to sponsor Sally? Click below! 

Want to learn about our other goat residents? Click below!




Mama + Family