Sheri Moon

When we got a call in October 2020 that a dainty Muscovy duck was found in a Harlem park, we knew we couldn’t say no to her. Wild Bird Fund in NYC took her in originally and this little survivor found her way to us shortly after. We noticed right away at her arrival that her beak was clipped (a very harsh, very painful form of abuse done to farmed birds) and she had an infection in her foot. We don’t know how long Sheri Moon was lost in the park, or where she came from, but we’re so glad she is safe with us now. 

Sheri Moon after arriving in Sanctuary.

Sheri Moon enjoying a fall day by the pond.

Sheri Moon is named after Rob Zombie’s wife Sheri Moon Zombie—major animal activist, vegan, producer, and actor. Sheri the duck spends her days with her friends, usually swimming in their pond, and will never know a life of fear or neglect again.

Want to sponsor Sheri Moon? Click below! 

Want to learn about our other duck residents? Click below!



