The Band

In July 2022, we were contacted by a supporter who knew about a mother sheep, 5-6 years old, who lost her eyesight through labor (this is known as pregnancy toxemia) and was likely going to be killed if she didn't get her eyesight back once her babies, all around 12 weeks old, were weaned. This little sheep family lived on a meat farm— so routines like this are common, and sadly the babies would have been either sold young or used for further breeding. 

Despite their willingness to surrender the mother sheep, the farm owner was still going to keep all three babies. We were able to convince them that the mother’s transition to sanctuary life would be easier with her babies by her side, given her lack of eyesight and knowing they deserved to all be saved together. Her babies are all she knows, and babies need their mother. The whole family would now be safe.

The Band prior to rescue, at the meat farm.

Mother sheep, Patti, at the meat farm prior to rescue.

When the sheep family arrived at Woodstock Sanctuary, they were very shy and the mother’s babies stuck to her side while they took in their new surroundings. We quickly realized that the mother still had some vision left and could see shadows and shapes. This is something we have to closely monitor and track, but we are hopeful that she won’t lose her sight entirely. While giving the family lots of tender loving care, we made sure the babies were fed enough after arriving malnourished, as well as making sure they were provided with all the necessary nutrients they needed for their small growing bodies. 

After a few weeks, this sweet little family started to trust their new home and started opening up and becoming more friendly to visitors. After all they’ve gone through, it’s so special to see this family going into sanctuary life and becoming more comfortable with humans again. It was obvious how brave this little sheep family is, and one word that kept popping up in conversations is how punk these sheep really are. That’s why we named them after 70’s punk artists! Mother sheep is named Patti after the incredible Patti Smith, and her children are named Lux (after Lux Interior of The Cramps), Darryl (after Darryl Jennifer of Bad Brains), and last but not least little Poly (after Poly Styrene). 

The Band grazing in their new pasture after arriving at Woodstock Farm Sanctuary.

The Band (or should we say, The Baa-nd?) is now a part of our main herd and we’re so excited to see them grow up around their new family, safe in sanctuary.

Click below to sponsor a member of The Band! 

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