In 2009, Fern was born at a goat milk and meat facility in upstate New York. A concerned woman looked into the facility and evidence of neglect was immediately apparent. One little goat in particular caught her attention: Fern’s back leg was dangling from an obvious break and the tips of her ears were bloody and scabbed from frostbite. When the woman inquired about her leg the farm’s operator shrugged, saying that Fern probably got caught in a fence and it would heal on its own. 

Fern enjoying the goat barn.

Fern enjoying the goat barn.

Fern snacking on hay at sunset.

Fern snacking on hay at sunset.

Unable to deal with such suffering, the woman convinced the facility to give Fern up and got her to a vet, who was able to set the leg in a splint. This kind woman then called us, and we welcomed Fern with open arms. Almost immediately, Fern made lots of new friends. 

Fern’s leg thankfully healed and years later, she is loving her life in sanctuary. She is so sweet and friendly, and is always one of the first goats to welcome new friends to the herd. 

Fern enjoying time outside the goat barn.

Fern enjoying time outside the goat barn.

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