
In December of 2021, we were notified about a very young goat residing at a fellow sanctuary in Virginia who was born with severely bent front legs. We soon found out that this poor goat previously lived at a dairy and meat farm, but unfortunately was put aside due to his leg condition. Thankfully our friends at this fellow sanctuary stepped in to take him into safety, however the amount of care required for this young goat amounted to a very large amount of money, more than this little sanctuary could afford. We offered to help and brought the little goat to Woodstock Farm Sanctuary.

Once home with us, we made sure that Remy was as comfortable as possible. Due to his front legs being bent, this made it really difficult for Remy to get around and we knew we had to do something quick to adjust this. After numerous surgeries, Remy ended up having a partial amputation on both front legs and put into a special wheelchair that allows him to be at a more comfortable position as he heals.

Remy shortly after arriving, getting medical attention in our med barn.

Remy enjoying some dandelion greens outside the med barn.

During Remy’s healing process, we looked into many different options in which he would have a better quality of life along with more mobility and independence, one of them being prosthetics! We quickly contacted Ark Ortho to create custom prosthetics. After the completion, Remy absolutely loved them! It was a little awkward at first, but he quickly got the hang of it. He had another recent surgery which has put a hold on using the prosthetics but we’re so excited for when he will finally be able to free roam with them on.

Remy’s story is one of true resistance and he has quickly become a sanctuary star, gathering support from thousands of people. His story is really similar to that of Fawn, a beautiful disabled cow who passed away in 2020, and we see the same spark she had in little Remy.

Remy getting fitted for his new prosthetics.

Remy enjoying his new prosthetics.

Here’s to a new life in sanctuary, Remy, we love you!

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