The Flower Flock

In July of 2020, a devastating fire occurred at a large egg production facility in south New Jersey. The fire killed over 300,000 hens – hens who were forced to live a life as egg machines, never knowing love, green grasses to roam, or a life outside of their cages. Luckily, 230 hens survived as multiple sanctuaries and rescues fled to the scene to help them. We were fortunate to bring in five hens from that group. 

Indigo when she first arrived to Woodstock Sanctuary.

Indigo when she first arrived to Woodstock Sanctuary.

Shelter Director Hervé with Willow after she returned from surgery at the hospital.

Shelter Director Hervé with Willow after she returned from surgery at the hospital.

When the five girls arrived, they still smelled of smoke and had severe burns all over their body. We named them The Flower Flock – Willow, Indigo, Aster, Arnica, and Laurel, all native flowers to the Hudson Valley here in New York. Sadly, Laurel’s burns were so bad that she passed away, but her name will always live on in the rest of the flock. Willow was found with a broken leg when rescued and required surgery after arriving to Woodstock Sanctuary. After everything she had been through already, this tough girl overcame surgery and went on to have a fully healed leg. The rest of the girls healed too – we are so inspired by their bravery, tenacity, and ability to still trust and be kind. 

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The Narnia Ducks


The Highlanders