Petition to Stop Cash for Killing on Production Farms

While bird flu is in the news because of transmission to cows on dairy farms and to workers on those farms, we at Woodstock Farm Sanctuary are advocating for more attention to be paid to the millions of birds who have been killed on production farms in the United States over the last three years and then discarded as biohazards. Keep reading to learn more and advocate for these birds with us!

As detailed in the New York Times article “A Cruel Way to Control Bird Flu? Poultry Giants Cull and Cash In,” this mass killing on production farms is an issue that many animal rights organizations have been warning about for years. Farming corporations impacted by the spread of HPAI (the current strain of avian influenza) are receiving taxpayer-funded payouts to reimburse them for killing the birds on their farms if HPAI is found on site. Many of these farm facilities are using ventilation shutdown to kill tens of thousands of birds at a time, locking them in their barns with no airflow until they die from heatstroke or suffocation.

Photo courtesy of We Animals Media.

Photo courtesy of We Animals Media.

As the owners of farms get bailouts for mass killing, it becomes easier to kill and get cash than to try to prevent the disease, which is largely spread by the production farming of birds.

With the spread to cows on dairy farms, we think it's possible that those dairy farm owners will also receive taxpayer bailouts for killing infected cows or potentially every cow on a property. Sign this petition to tell the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture that you DON'T want your tax money going to bail out farms engaging in mass killing.

Sign today! We have power in numbers.

What else can you do to help protect and advocate for birds? A lot! We love birds here at Woodstock Sanctuary and encourage you to get to know them and take action.

  • Share this petition and the information!

  • Tell your legislators directly that you oppose bailouts for mass killing.

  • Support sanctuaries that rescue birds from farming.

  • Boycott the farming of birds and take our pledge to go vegan today!


Remembering Albie


Beyond the Baseline: Preserving Wildlife + Combatting the Climate Crisis