Behind the Scenes: The True Cost of Animal Care

So much has been happening this year at Woodstock Farm Sanctuary, and this past August turned out to be one of our most challenging months yet. Several of our rescued residents faced unexpected and serious medical emergencies, which meant more trips to the animal hospital than usual. From surgeries to specialist treatments, and even the surprise arrival of a tiny, sick kitten—the financial toll has been significant. 

There will always be emergencies in Sanctuary, but even with our monthly emergency allowance, these August vet bills put us in a really tight spot. Our vet and hospital bills for the month totaled more than $17,000, which is way above average for us. Thanks to generous supporters, we’ve already raised most of that total, but still have $2,596 left to cover and we need to pay the balance off ASAP. Read on to learn about the residents who need your help.  

Meet the Animals Who Need Your Support 

Walt, the Sheep 

Walt was our biggest urgent emergency last month. This senior sheep who was rescued just a couple months ago was rushed to the animal hospital for multiple surgeries and a blood transfusion—procedures that thankfully saved his life. River, one of our strongest and healthiest sheep, went with him and provided these life-saving blood donations.

Bumblebee and Toots, the Ducks 

Bumblebee and Toots, two of our younger duck residents, both developed serious foot issues that threatened their mobility and have been back and forth to the vet numerous times for treatment and imaging. While this was happening, Bumblebee also developed pneumonia, requiring even more specialized avian care. Bumblebee is recovering slowly and still receiving treatment. Toots unfortunately has had another setback; she recently sustained several fractures in her already-compromised foot. We are doing everything we can to ease her pain and figure out next steps.  

George and Dorothy Jo, the Sheep siblings 

Sometimes there are certain tests and procedures we can’t perform here at the Sanctuary. That’s why George and Dorothy Jo, two sheep siblings, were sent to a large animal hospital for necessary testing after we noticed some issues with their walking. George was diagnosed with acute swelling and Dorothy Jo with arthritis and compromised mobility. They are both now on ongoing treatment plans to aid in their day-to-day comfort.  

Joey, the Unexpected Kitten 

The biggest surprise no one expected also happened last month: a tiny, sick kitten was abandoned at the Sanctuary during a series of severe storms. Joey had a wound on her shoulder and severe pneumonia, which required a multi-day hospital stay. While we don’t typically rescue cats, we couldn’t turn our backs on her. After returning from the hospital and continuing her treatment, Joey is thankfully feeling a lot better and is recovering in foster care.  


How Can you Help?  

We will always do whatever it takes to make sure the animals who call Woodstock Farm Sanctuary home get the absolute best care possible... no matter the cost. But we can't do that without you. After three hospital stays, multiple surgeries, and one surprise kitten, we were left with a pretty big bill at the end of the month. We still need $2,596 to cover the remaining costs and we know we can make it with your help. 

Please click below to give a gift towards our emergency medical bills. Every donation, no matter how small, helps us continue providing lifesaving care for these incredible animals.  

Thank you all for being a vital part of the Woodstock Sanctuary community and for standing by us—and the animals—through thick and thin. Together, we can ensure these residents receive the care they deserve.


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