
In the fall of 2015, multiple sanctuaries rescued over 120 animals from a backyard butcher in Montgomery, NY.  These poor animals were kept in horrendous conditions — crammed in barns with little food and living space. Woodstock Sanctuary took in five sheep, six pigs and nine goats, who were by far the sickest of all those we rescued. Most of the goats had pneumonia, lice, and worms and little did we know, a few were also pregnant. 

Moby and his sister Jackie were born at Woodstock Sanctuary after their mother Ruby came to us from this rescue pregnant. Shortly after other mother goats started giving birth, Ruby did too! Her two beautiful babies were born in sanctuary and forever safe – a rare but wonderful thing for her to know. 

Ruby having a snack outside.

Ruby having a snack outside.

Ruby enjoying a nice day out.

Ruby enjoying a nice day out.

Ruby may be much smaller than her son Moby now, but they still spend every day together. This little family loves their lives and that brings us so much joy. 

Ruby really loves snacks.

Ruby really loves snacks.

Want to sponsor Ruby? Click below! 

Want to learn about our other goat residents? Click below!


