
In December of 2022, we got a call from our friends at Catskill Animal Sanctuary in regards to securing the release of 40 starving sheep from a backyard slaughter operation. This is a huge rescue to take on and they needed help with taking in a few sheep, and we knew we had to say yes. It wasn’t long that we took in two very young bonded sheep who arrived in pretty rough shape. They had multiple health issues at the time that our care staff had to tend to quickly, including a pretty serious case of hoof rot, which can be really common in backyard operations such as the one they came from.

It wasn’t long before they both warmed up to our team and realized they were now safe in sanctuary. We decided to name these friendly sweethearts Simon and Garfunkel, after the famous musical group.

Garfunkel and Simon shortly after arriving at Woodstock.

Now they are incorporated into our main sheep herd and have become playful with their new friends! It’s so amazing seeing them flourish now they’re safe at Woodstock, and we’re so thankful they’ll be here for the rest of their days.

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