In June 2024, Woodstock Farm Sanctuary began to receive messages about a sheep wandering alone in a nearby town. We quickly learned that this brave sheep had escaped slaughter and had been on the run through forests and neighborhoods in the middle of a deadly heatwave. His wool was visibly heavy and overgrown, which was extremely dangerous given the high temperatures. He was at risk of being returned to the slaughterhouse, being hit by a car, or dying in the heat with that much wool.
Walt, right after being loaded into the rescue vehicle.
Fortunately, he found shelter beneath a porch, and we were then able to rescue him with the help of some local partners. He may not have survived another day out there. Upon his arrival, we quickly set him up in one of our isolation barns with air conditioning. We then removed pounds of dirty, matted wool from this poor sheep. His relief was immediate. We named this brave guy Walt, after poet Walt Whitman.
Shortly after Walt’s rescue, we learned of another sheep who had escaped slaughter. This sheep seemed very young and shy, and he successfully evaded humans for two weeks. We were so worried for him, especially as the 4th of July fireworks drew near. Some amazing volunteers cleared out their shed and provided him with fresh hay. Fortunately, this plan worked, and we were able to scoop up this sheep, who we’d begun to call Waldo, from the safety of this shed! When we picked him up, he was covered in ticks, so removing these became a priority as we settled him into his new comfortable barn.
Walt on his way to the Sanctuary.
Walt all shorn after arriving at the Sanctuary.
Poor Walt had some complications following his neuter surgery and had a long recovery. Thankfully, sweet Waldo stayed by his side as they quarantined together for months. Finally, both boys were healthy and cleared to join our rescued sheep herd! Walt and Waldo are very happy to be with their new flock of friends and grow more confident daily. They have tried all kinds of new snacks and love roaming the Sanctuary in search of the best spots. They have begun to make new friends, but Waldo still sticks close to Walt both inside the barn and out! We are so grateful we brought both of them home to sanctuary, where they will never run in fear again.
Walt and Waldo enjoying their temporary ISO pasture.